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Pesach - Erev Pesach on Shabbat

To watch Rabbi Matanky's pre-Pesach Review of Erev Pesach on Shabbat, click here
THURSDAY MORNING, APRIL 10, 2025: Ta'anit Bechorim [Fast of the Firstborn]
Normally, the fast of the firstborn falls on erev Pesach. However, this year erev Pesach is on Shabbat, and fasting on erev Shabbat is avoided whenever possible. For those who are firstborn, there will be a siyum following both morning minyanim which begin at 6:15 and 7:00 am.
THURSDAY EVENING, APRIL 10, 2025: Bedikat Chametz begins 8:18 p.m.
This year, Bedikat Chametz is performed on Thursday evening. As always, prior to the search, the bracha of "al bi'ur chametz" is recited and the text of  "kol chamira..." follows the bedikah.
FRIDAY MORNING, APRIL 11, 2021: Mechirat Chametz [Sale of Chametz]
Although this year, it is permitted to sale chametz all day Friday (since there is no prohibition of benefiting from chametz until Shabbat), to avoid future confusion, the sale occurs at its regular time, in the morning. Because of is a dispute among poskim, chametz which was left out to be eaten on Shabbat, but leftover after the Shabbat meal, should not be saved but disposed.
The burning of the chametz should take place by 11:33 a.m. However, unlike other years, the text of bitul chametz is not recited until Shabbat.
Ideally, the table should be set for the seder before Shabbat, since nothing can be done on Shabbat to prepare for the seder and yet, we try to begin the seder as quickly as possible after Shabbat.
Before Shabbat, the maror should be prepared. However, one should not leave the maror soaking in water over Shabbat, since soaking may halachically be considered the same as cooking, and thus disqualify the maror from use.
The bone and egg for the seder plate should be roasted before Shabbat. If one forgot, they may be roasted after Shabbat, before the Seder begins. (In that case they should be eaten on Sunday, and a second set should be roasted on Sunday evening and eaten on Monday. This is necessary to avoid a prohibition of unnecessary cooking on yom tov and preparing from one day of yom tov to the other.)
SHABBAT, APRIL 12, 2021: Erev Pesach
1. There will be two options for Shacharit. a) For those who want to use challah/chametz or egg matzah for their second and third Shabbat meals there will be a 7:00 a.m. minyan to allow everyone enough time to eat two Shabbat meals before chametz is forbidden to be eaten (10:15 a.m.). b) For those who plan to use egg matzah and rely on the lenient positions which allow egg matzah to be eaten after the time of the prohibition of chametz (see below) there will be a 9:00 a.m. shacharit.
2. Due to the prohibition of eating matzah on Erev Pesach, one may not eat baked goods containing matzah meal, such as cookies or cake. However, foods containing matzah meal which were cooked in liquid (such as kneidelach) may be eaten prior to the 10th hour of the day (about 4:54 p.m.).
3. If bread is used for the Shabbat meals, the crumbs or leftovers should be flushed down the toilet or can be given as a gift to a non-Jew.
4. After eating chametz (but before 10:15 a.m.), one should rinse his mouth to remove any residual chametz. According to the ruling of Rabbi C. D. Regensberg, z"l, one may use toothpaste and a toothbrush.
5. For those who are using challah/chametz or egg matzah (and following the ruling of Rabbi Moshe Feinstein - see below) the Shabbat morning meal should be divided into two to fulfill the mitzvah of seudah shlishit with hamotzi. However, since there are many opinions which require that seudah shlishit be eaten on Shabbat afternoon, one should also eat a light meal consisting of fish or meat, or fruit in the afternoon.
6. The "kol chamirah" should be recited by 11:33 a.m.
7. It is customary to recite the Haggadah on Shabbat afternoon from "avadim ha'yinu" to l'chaper al kol avonoteinu".
8. Setting the table, arranging chairs, opening wine, and all other seder preparations may not be done on Shabbat.
Although one is not permitted to eat matzah on erev Pesach, this restriction refers only to matzah which one can use to fulfill the mitzvah of  matzah on the Seder night. Egg matzah (known as "matzah ashirah") is disqualified for the mitzvah of eating matzah at the Seder and may be eaten on erev Pesach.  According to the view of Rav Moshe Feinstein zt"l, one may use egg matzah for lechem mishneh on Shabbat provided he eats a quantity sufficient to indicate that he has "established his meal" with this matzah. (The quantity of egg matzah needed to "establish one's meal" is equal to the amount of challah one usually eats.)  According to Rav Moshe, egg matzah should not be eaten after the time that chametz is forbidden (10:15 a.m.). However, the Nodah B’Yehuda and Aruch HaShulchan permit eating egg matzah until later in the day as does Rav Herschel Schachter. However, if one uses egg matzah. it would still be preferable to use disposable eating utensils, since it is Ashkenazic custom not to eat egg matzah on Pesach under normal circumstances.
In order to have both the second and third Shabbat meal with either challah or egg matzah (following the stringency of Rav Moshe Feinstein) after davening, one should make kiddush, wash netilat yadayim, and recite hamotzi. Then the first course should be eaten and the birkat hamazon recited. One should then engage in a different activity (such as going for a short walk or learning).  Following this interruption, one should wash netilat yadayim again, recite hamotzi, eat a sufficient quantity of bread or egg matzah, clean up any crumbs, and flush the crumbs away. The remainder of the seudah should be eaten and the final clean up of the floor and cleaning one's mouth should take place before 10:15 a.m. It goes without saying that if time does not permit one to make hamotzi and eat before the proper time, the prohibition of eating chametz takes precedence and one should refrain from using chametz. For those who follow the lenient positions which allow egg matzah to be eaten later into the day (Nodah B'Yehuda until midday, and Aruch Hashulchan and Rav Schechter until the 10th hour of the day), the morning meal does not necessarily need to be divided into two.


Fri, March 28 2025 28 Adar 5785